Monday, March 29, 2010

the trouble with patience is...

For those of you who know me well...for that matter know me at all...know I am not the most patient of people on this planet.

We are still waiting to hear from the agency about our home study being done and ready to be picked up. I did get an e-mail today (good thing too) saying that our consultant talked to our social worker and the home study is done on her end and being proof read and revised at this point, how long this is going to take I have no idea....

After we pick up or home study we have to take it and about 50 other sheets of paper (all notarized) to get the apostilled. For those who have no idea what apostilled means... think of it as the gold star of paperwork. Most international "official" paperwork has to be both notarized and apostilled.
(Thank you Robin from Twp. Hall...she has been a peach!)

After that is done we turn in our initial packet of paperwork (the meat and potatoes) back to the agency to be reviewed then sent to Russia. Once this is done we can send in our immigration paperwork (and a $1000 check!)in to the US government. After that it's sit and wait time again. The agency in Russia will get the paperwork, review it (again), translate it, and turn it in to the government. While we wait for government approval the agency looks for our kids. Once they have found two boys that match close enough to our wishes (we weren't too picky) they then send us a referral (info on the boys). If we accept the referral we then put in for visa's and start planing for our first trip.
I really don't have a timeline for this as it can take several months for the Russian Government to review the paperwork, we were told that they should not have too much trouble matching us with children as we were flexible and we wanted boys and not girls.

I will do my best to keep everyone posted, as always THANK YOU for your prayers and well wishes!

p.s. The vote for Wyoming Public Safety is May 4....please pray for us!

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